Love Your Family Again is the sequel to my first book, Love Your Classroom Again. In this book, you will receive more tools and techniques on how to become the parent of your dreams. My mission is to give you a working understanding of my behavioral secrets so that you can focus on doing what you do best—Loving Your Family! You will enjoy your children so much more once you have the behavioral tools described in this book in your tool belt.
  How do you make the best of the time you spend around your kids? So many parents spend too much of this time arguing, fighting, yelling or negotiating with their children. Do you? Mothers today actively spend an average of 104 minutes every day engaged with their children, fathers spend on average 59 minutes. This does not include the time you are simply around your child, focused on other priorities. That is a lot of time to argue, fight, yell or negotiate. 
Start spending time with your children playing, talking and having fun together! The real life behavior you face, need realistic tools that work. Love Your Family Again is filled with concrete, action based strategies that truly work. Within these pages you will learn how to::
Stop negotiating with your children 
Raise kids that listen
Identify the actions needed to combat problem behavior 
Build more happiness within your family
Take small steps each day that lead to big changes

"Love Your Family Again is a great tool.  I found myself nodding my head with some of the strategies like 'yes I am on the right path. My "small being" is quite amazing.' 
Danielle Scott  Speaker/ Mother
Dr. Marcie's book is a treasure trove of information for actually living in harmony with your family and for experiencing joy on regular basis. If you follow her direction, you will see results!
Kim Johnson - Coach + Mother of 2
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Dr. Marcie's practical solutions with real life examples reads like a parenting how to guide.  I love the exercises she has you try on with your little beings. 
Susie Carder - President of Motivating the Masses, Mother + Grandmother
This book is a godsend for parents dealing with the most challenging types of kids. 
-Elise K., Mother of 2